3 Jan 2022

Aviagen Asia Pacific Launches Management Literature in Bahasa Language During Recent Webinar

Bahasa marks third Asian language translation for Aviagen literature, with more to come

 Bahasa Literature Covers

BANGKOK, Thailand. – The Aviagen® Asia Pacific team continues to strengthen their local touch, now releasing key management literature in Bahasa, the official language of Indonesia. On Dec. 15, the team welcomed the Indonesian broiler breeder industry to a webinar with a goal of presenting the Bahasa versions of the Performance Objectives and Nutrition Specifications for both Parent Stock (PS) and broiler chickens, which are available on the Bahasa language mini-site of the Aviagen website. This is the latest in a number of local language offerings to the Asia-Pacific broiler industry, which will continue in 2022.

During the webinar, following introductions by Dr. Rafael Monleon, Business Manager, and Greg Hitt, Regional Technical Manager, of Aviagen Asia Pacific, as well as Bapak Achmad Dawami, Chairman of GPPU poultry breeding association in Indonesia, Dr. Ting Lu, Technical Transfer manager, introduced the translated materials and the Bahasa mini-page where it is located. Aviagen also takes every opportunity to share the latest management advice, and Mike Block, Technical Service Manager for Aviagen Asia Pacific, also led a conversation on improving feed intake in young birds before opening the floor for questions and comments from attendees.

Nutrition Specifications and Performance Objectives: Advice for maximizing flock performance, health and welfare

The Nutrition Specifications and Performance Objectives are important documents in Aviagen’s library of management advice. The genetic potential inherent in Aviagen birds improves continually, and the Performance Objectives provide customers with a benchmark. The Nutritional Specifications go hand-in-hand with the Objectives, describing nutritional strategies for each stage of development to develop healthy birds with strong performance.

“We have a significant presence in the Indonesian broiler market, and are continually looking to strengthen our support to the farmers there. The information included in the Performance Objectives and Nutrition Specifications is essential to health, welfare and productivity, and because we all understand better in our native tongues, offering these documents in the Bahasa language is one way we can better serve these customers, while enhancing their ability to provide people throughout Indonesia with healthy, affordable and sustainable chicken meat,” remarked Greg.

Having these documents in our local language will be extremely helpful for our team, as we work to apply the nutrition specifications to support the health of our birds and the objectives to encourage steady improvement in our performance results,” added Theo Tomahuw, Production Director, of PT Cibadak Indah Sari Farm.

You may download the Bahasa language versions of the documents or go to www.aviagen.com and select “Asia Pacific” as your region and “Bahasa” as your language.