
Aviagen Latin America leads the way in environmental sustainability in Brazil

CAMPINAS, Brazil – Aviagen® Latin America is committed to enhancing the efficiency and environmental responsibility of global poultry production. Demonstrating this commitment, Aviagen has made significant investments in Brazil, including over R$ 7 million in solar plants in Uberaba, Itirapina, and Sarutaiá, as well as more than R$ 1.1 million in advanced wastewater treatment systems.

Read on to discover more about these eco-friendly initiatives. Through these efforts, Aviagen is at the forefront of promoting environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and food safety.

Renewable energy efforts

Since October 2018, Aviagen has obtained energy from renewable sources to power its Itirapina and Redenção da Serra facilities in São Paulo. Currently, the hatchery in Rio Claro (SP) and the units in Uberaba (MG), Santa Cruz das Palmeiras (SP) and Natividade da Serra (SP) are also supplied with renewable energy.

By 2023, 40% of the energy used by Aviagen Brazil came from the free electricity market. When combined with the 87.9% renewable energy sourced from the captive market in 2022, this resulted in 93% of the company's total energy coming from renewable sources.

According to Aviagen's Environment Coordinator, Gustavo Vilela, by the end of 2024, 76% Aviagen Brazil’s electricity will come from the free market, making 95% of its energy renewable.

Aviagen Latin America - Renewable Energy

Sustainable fleet management

Aviagen uses ethanol for 100% of its flex-fuel vehicle fleet, reducing carbon emissions significantly. From January 2022 to December 2023, the switch to ethanol prevented approximately 243 tons of CO2 emissions, equivalent to planting 1,702 trees.

Wastewater treatment innovations

Aviagen Brazil’s five hatcheries are instrumental in ensuring a secure supply of Ross® 308 AP grandparents and breeders to poultry producers. Aviagen’s strict biosecurity process requires frequent cleaning and disinfection of these hatcheries, generating wastewater from the operation.

Two of the hatcheries are served by municipal wastewater collection networks, and for the other three, Aviagen is enhancing the existing wastewater treatment systems, with over R$ 1.1 million in investments.

The new systems will achieve more than 80% efficiency in removing Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), ensuring that the water returned to the environment is significantly cleaner.

Aviagen Latin America - Wastewater Treatment

Sustainability commitment

Ivan Lauandos, President of Aviagen Latin America, emphasized the company’s dedication: “We aim to make all our operations sustainable. Our goal is to set an example in the poultry industry through effective environmental strategies and sustainable practices. Through our actions, we demonstrate our commitment to protecting natural resources, reducing carbon emissions, and ensuring animal welfare and food safety.”