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  • Ross Tech Notes: Controlling Late Egg Weight in Broiler Breeders

    One of the most difficult tasks of hatching egg producers is to produce optimum egg weights in early production while controlling late egg size in older flocks. As birds age, a gradual increase in egg size is inevitable; however, with proper flock management it is possible t… Leia mais

  • Ross Tech Notes: Hot Season Management of Broiler Breeders in Open-Sided Houses

    One of the most challenging aspects of managing any generation of birds is that of environmental control in open-sided houses. In regions where the hot weather season can see temperatures reaching 40C (104F), it is essential to pay extra attention to bird management. Leia mais

  • Ross Tech Notes: Energy, The Fuel of Life

    Energy is often considered the “Fuel of Life”. Primarily it is needed for maintaining basic metabolism (maintenance energy). This article is an attempt to provide a flock manager with some tools to use when making decisions on feeding energy to a breeder flock. Leia mais

  • Ross Hatching Egg Shell Quality Pocket Guide

    This document is a practical, on-farm tool aimed at helping farmers identify hatching egg shell issues. For each egg shell abnormality there is a picture showing what the abnormality looks like, which is linked to a table detailing the causes and solutions associated with th… Leia mais

  • Ross Tech Notes: Incubating Eggs at High Altitudes

    A hatchery which is sited at high altitude (1500 meters (4921 feet) or more above sea level) faces some particular challenges;  slower embryo growth, longer incubation periods and lower hatchability have to be expected. With better understanding of the principles involved, p… Leia mais

  • Ross Tech Notes: Female Persistency Post-Peak - Managing Fertility and Production

    Chick numbers are most often reduced during the period between 40 to 60 weeks of age because of poor persistency in both egg production and hatchability. It is important to understand the main reasons why broiler breeder flocks exhibit poor persistency post-peak and how to o… Leia mais

  • AviaTech: Management Tools to Reduce Footpad Dermatitis in Broilers 

    Footpad dermatitis (FPD) is receiving increasing attention in the broiler industry. Footpad dermatitis affects animal welfare and farmer income, and in the future it is likely to have increasing importance in terms of legislation.This article has been written specifically fo… Leia mais

  • Poster: Broiler Breeder Growth Profile

    The aim of this poster is to provide information on areas of key management considerations for broiler breeders, with specific reference to the physiological changes occurring during the first 30 weeks and how these physiological change influence how breeders should be manag… Leia mais

  • Poster: Winter Ventilation for Broilers

    This informative poster provides details on winter ventilation for broilers. Leia mais

  • AviaTech: Hatchery Maintenance

    A good hatchery maintenance program is an essential part of maximizing hatchery performance. Leia mais

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