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  • Aviagen Brief: Best Practice Management in the Absence of Antibiotics at the Hatchery

    In the absence of antibiotics, strategies that decrease the bacterial challenges in the hatchery need to be put in place and aseptic application of vaccines must occur. Decreasing the bacterial challenges can be achieved by following agreed and proven best practices on the g… Read more

  • A Checklist for Investigating Broiler Performance Problems

    This is an interactive PDF providing information in the form of a checklist that the farm manger can work through to identify broiler performance issues. As an interactive PDF, it can be used on any device which has a PDF reader installed (smart phone, Mac, PC, etc.). The do… Read more

  • Aviagen Biosecurity Poster

    The poster gives the key components of on farm biosecurity. Read more

  • Broiler Housing and Equipment Spreadsheet - Metric

    The broiler house equipment and ventilation spreadsheet is designed to allow the user to enter their current house bird number and equipment set up in clearly highlighted cells. From the information entered, the spreadsheet calculates and compares actual stocking densities a… Read more

  • Breeder Housing and Equipment Spreadsheet - Metric

    The breeder house equipment and ventilation spreadsheet is designed to allow the user to enter their current house bird number and equipment set up in clearly highlighted cells and can be used for either rearing or production housing. From the information entered, the spread… Read more

  • Aviagen Brief: Alternative Feed Ingredients

    This is an update of an article originally written in 2015 which discusses the benefits and disadvantages of alternative feed ingredients. During periods of limited supply or volatile ingredient markets, the use of alternative feed ingredients in broiler and breeder diets co… Read more

  • Ross Tech Notes: Alternative Feed Ingredients

    This is an update of an article originally written in 2015 which discusses the benefits and disadvantages of alternative feed ingredients. During periods of limited supply or volatile ingredient markets, the use of alternative feed ingredients in broiler and breeder diets co… Read more

  • Aviagen Hatchery How To's… 1 to 11

    The How To’s are designed to be simple, back to basics documents describing critical management areas, their importance and how to achieve them. This set of Hatchery How To’s describe the basic quality control procedures in the hatchery. Achieving good practice in egg and ha… Read more

  • Ross Hatchery How To's… 1 to 11

    The How To’s are designed to be simple, back to basics documents describing critical management areas, their importance and how to achieve them. This set of Hatchery How To’s describe the basic quality control procedures in the hatchery. Achieving good practice in egg and ha… Read more

  • Marek's Disease Virus

    Marek’s disease (MD) is a lymphoproliferative disease of chickens induced by a herpesvirus, Marek’s disease virus (MDV). MD is a major threat for the poultry industry because of the economic consequences in the absence of proper methods of control. MD has been successfully c… Read more


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